SODIRA Connect is a company specialized in the field of “Edge Computing” which uses all the power of its technologies to serve the Internet of Things (IoT) and Content Delivery markets worldwide through its innovative products and services.

Its offer includes intelligent gateways that embed innovative software solutions such as caching, prefetching, secured data processing (including pictures, videos etc.) and a software solution suite installed locally or in the cloud to manage a complete network of sensors, intelligent gateways, contents and applications, while preserving the important aspects of security & safety.

From its past experience and through its internal R&D team, SODIRA Connect actively contributes to the evolution of technologies related to the “Edge Computing” field notably through its participation in collaborative projects at European, national and local level.



Navicollect is an integrated and scalable platform that can provide IoT services in mobile environments (IoT data collection using vehiculars). It allows to improve the Qualiy of Experience (QoE) and the Quality of Service (QoS) of networks especially where connectivity is limited.

Navicollect is based on a combination of enhanced hardware and software as below:


Multi sensors connectivity;
Multi IoT wireless protocols supported (WiFi, Bluetooth, LoraWAN etc.);
Multi Cloud connectivity possibilities (WiFi, 4G/5G, Ethernet etc.);
Automatic configuration using the NAVImanager tool;


Network Infrastructure Management;
Sensor Registry Management;
IoT Data Ingestion, Data Stream Processing & IoT Data Storage;
Navigateway registry, configuration & monitoring;

Navicollect Starter Kit

NaviCollect Starter Kits is an easy, quick and low risk way to get started with IoT services in mobile environments. Test one or many IoT business cases with a combination of preconfigured sensors, preconfigured NaviGateways and all the necessary software suites (NaviManager & IoT Service Platform).
NaviCollect Starter Kits are based on a minimum combination of enhanced hardware and software as below:
NaviCollect Starter Kits are flexible and scalable. At any moments more sensors and/or more NAVIGateway products can be easily added depending on the maturity of the business case.

Navicollect Associated Services

Engineering Services
Software adaptation for new sensor integration ;
Software adaptation for integration with a new IoT Service Platform;
Any on-demand or specific adaptation;
On-Site Services
Assistance for on site installation & commissioning
User on-site training
On-site survey & expertise
After Sales Services
Guaranty extension for the hardware
Service Level Agreement for the software

Customer Use Cases

Smart City

Smart Parking

Waste Management

Water Management

Light Management

Smart Transport

Smart road
Smart railway
Smart ocean
Smart airport

Smart Industry

Industry 4.0
Smart building
Oil & Gaz

Smart Environment

Air quality
Sustain ability

Smart Agriculture

Field monitoring
Disease predictions

Smart Health

Smart hospital

SODIRA Connect is continuously listening to the market trends and to its customer’s needs in order to improve its offer and propose therefore the best value to money solution to its customers, at the most appropriate time.
In order to fulfill exactly the customer needs, SODIRA Connect can propose to develop from its existing product lines any customer specific solutions matching their own specifications on demand.

Research Programs

SODIRA Connect has its own Research & Developement department and continually invests in programs of experimental development forward in its areas of expertise.

SODIRA Connect participated to the following European research programs :


SCENE is a novel concept of a secure mobile IoT platform for smart city applications based on vehicular networks and targeting at mid-sized municipalities. It offers synergies among public projects and decreases costs of smart city initiatives.
 The project is intended to develop and evaluate the performance and energy efficiency of a MEC framework that will cover system level and host level capabilities as well as enriched real-time radio network information from the base station.
TERRANOVA envisions to extend the fibre-optic systems’ Quality of Experience to wireless links by exploiting frequencies above 275 GHz.  Caching and prefetching content is particularly efficient in THz network as this very high capacity network can be used of an overlay of 4G and future 5G networks.
Locally, SODIRA Connect is a member of both ‘Images&Réseaux’ and ‘Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique’ competitiveness clusters and is participating in several collaborative projects labelled by these clusters.

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30 route de Fougères
35510, Cesson-Sévigné


+33 (0) 2 99 84 13 99