Our Mission
SODIRA Connect is continuously listening to the market trends and to its customer’s needs in order to improve its offer and propose therefore the best value to money solution to its customers, at the most appropriate time.
In order to fulfill exactly the customer needs, SODIRA Connect can build vertical solutions, based on its existing product lines, adapted to any customers and market specific needs, i.e. Smart Lighting, Smart Air Quality, Smart Tracking solutions, etc.

Smart City
Smart Parking
Waste Management
Water Management
Light Management

Smart Transport
Smart road
Smart railway
Smart ocean
Smart airport

Smart Industry
Industry 4.0
Smart building
Oil & Gaz

Smart Environment
Air quality
Sustain ability

Smart Agriculture
Field monitoring
Disease predictions

Smart Health
Smart hospital
Our Solutions

An eco-responsible lighting solution for indoor and
outdoor use cases.
Learn more

NX Gateway
Remotely configurable indoor and outdoor gateways.
Learn more

NX Manager
Cloud and Embedded Supervision software
Learn more
We connect Anything, Anywhere, Anytime

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30 Rte de Fougères
35510 Cesson-Sévigné
+33 (0) 2 99 84 13 99
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